Here is a list of services and features you can use with G+.
Google+ User Feed I simply way to get the feed to your G+ account. Use this to bookmark or just publish your own stream in a proper way. Share it with friends when. is just like but with a another design. Much more like a newspaper.
CoverPhotoEditor for G+ If you wanna fix your profile photo and cover photo. You can merge them if you want.
Google+ Badges a part of Google Developers. Fix a nice badge to your site or blog.
Primadesk a service that help you to move file and photos from other social networks.
Google Plus Widget a service to allow you to make a widget that you can have on your site or blog. Show you own stream if you want that.
CircleCount Connect you accout to CC and you have a perfect way to se the most whats happend on you account. I brilliant statistical page.
Socialba! Share you post with other networks, like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Easy to use.
All my+ A statistic page that just relates to your own flow on Google+.
Do Share a addition to Google Chrome that works like a little editor for your posts.
HTML5 Word Cloud fworks like Wordle. Just add your profile and run it.
There were some services and features you can use with your G + account. Hope you found some useful information here.
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